Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back to the Grind

Well, I guess it's all back to normal now. No more Christmas frenzy, no more holiday days, no more staying up late and sleeping till noon. Sigh... For some reason I find this incredibly sad this year. I'm guessing it's because I kind of "missed" Christmas due to my cold. I was just starting to get better and then the whole thing was over. Kind of disappointing. Oh well. There's always next year!

Despite the sickness, I had a good holiday from work. I really like that our office is closed between Christmas and New Years. It gives everyone a bit of a break from insane deadlines, crazy interior designers and completely whacked out clients.

In other news, Nathan and I booked our plane tickets to France yesterday! Wheeeeee!!!!! I can't wait. We leave April 26th and come back on May 17th. We wanted to time it so we had the May long weekend to get over jet lag before we had to go back to work. On our list of things to see and do:
  • Go all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower
  • the Louvre
  • Tour of Notre Dame Cathedral
  • Parc Asterix
  • Normandy
  • Mont St. Michel
  • Marnay-sur-Seine
  • Northern France to visit the area where Nathan's great grandma was from
  • An antique arms dealer that Nathan wants to visit (I'm sure you can all guess what he's hoping to find!)

This is just what I can remember at the moment, but needless to say, we will be having a ton of fun for 3 weeks! In the meantime, I will be working some overtime to save up the extra hours we'll be away over and above my vacation time. Such a flexible company I work for.... =D

Also, in the spirit of the New Year, I have been thinking about resolutions. And having a hard time thinking of anything! Not that I'm saying I'm perfect, but I am quite happy with my life and the direction that it is going in. That being said, I have come up with a couple of things that I want to keep doing and/or elaborate on.

  1. Continue to go to the gym 3 times a week. I will be getting a membership to the UofC this year, as I want to start swimming laps again, but still have the option of doing weight training or cardio.
  2. Expand my search for a hobby. Everyone I know has at least one thing that they enjoy doing on their own time, and I've been having a problem finding one for myself. I tend to have really short lived hobbies. I will really like something for a couple of months and then lose all interest in it and start something else. I'm hoping gardening will turn out to be "the hobby" for me. I get really excited about pretty much every aspect right now, so hopefully I will have some successes and advances this year to keep my interest piqued.
  3. Eat more fruit and vegetables. This is a perennial resolution for me. Eventually I might get my intake to where it should be...
  4. Expand my book collection.... Okay, I guess that doesn't really count as a resolution, but if I put it in the list then I'm allowed, right?? =D

All the best to everyone in 2007!

1 comment:

Queen of Swords said...

Hmm... A hobby, huh? Have you considered... Oh wait, you tried that already. This could be more difficult than I thought... :) Good luck on the resolutions!