Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Joy of Water

I was contemplating the joy of water this morning on the bus. I'm a big water drinker when I'm at work (not so much at home). It's not uncommon for me to drink a litre and a half or two litres a day. It makes me feel so much better and more awake. Also, last night was my first Deep Water Workout class at the U of C. It was really good, really hard, and I was completely exhausted afterwards, but in a good way. I already feel skinnier and fitter. Funny how that works. After the class, I took off the belt and just floated for a while. There is nothing that makes me feel more relaxed and at peace than floating in a pool of water. It's simply divine. Sound is muffled, your body is weightless and it's just wonderful. I think I will be spending a lot of time in the pool over the next couple of months. Deadlines are piling up for me and I think I will be seeing a lot of OT in the near future. At least I've got the pool.


Queen of Swords said...

What's your drinking secret? I'm trying, but I barely manage a half-litre at work, and less at home. :( I'm trying, but it's not working so well...

Anonymous said...

Try adding a bit of flavouring to your water.

I prefer iced tea/crystal light but if you are worried about calories and such a bit of concentrated lemon juice (or other fruit juice) works as well.

I am not big on water but using any of the above I can go through three or more litres a day.

Sheila said...

Mostly, I just try and remain conscious of when I'm thirsty. If you are aware of it, rather than just pushing it to the side of your brain because you're too busy or whatever, it usually works. Like when I get to work, I'm always thirsty. I can usually guzzle about a half litre before the day even starts. Also, I tend to drink a whole bunch in the afternoon, when I feel my energy dragging. It helps a lot. I also have my water bottle right on my desk so I can see it all the time. If I get to lunch time and I haven't drunk at least half a litre, I know I have to make an effort to drink more.

Queen of Swords said...

Hmm... Well, I've been trying the thing that --anonymous-- posted. I find I hate the taste of aspartame, but can stomach sucralose, which puts me firmly in the Nestea and Liption iced tea singles category. If only they made singles with actual sugar... I just don't care for the artificial sweeteners. As for putting it on my desk, I need a desk that has more room! My water bottle would get lost or pushed to the back with all the piles of to-do. As it is, I have to move my keyboard to do any kind of mail compiling, writing, opening mail... April. Then I can have a new desk! I guess I'll just try to be more conscious of it in the meantime. Off to drink something!