Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happiness... It's all in your point of view

I was reflecting today on the bus why I can go from happy, content and satisfied to unhappy, stressed out and discontented within the space of a few days. (insert joke about female mood swings here).

For myself, I think it happens to be what I'm focusing on. Last week it was work, this week it's the murder mystery party we're hosting on Saturday. I don't think I really have less work now than I did then, but I have something else to think about that I consider more important. Yes, I consider a murder mystery party with my friends more important than work.

Also, I can work myself into a dreadful funk and basically convince myself that my life sucks. But then if I step back and look, it really doesn't. I have a nice job, a wonderful husband, a cozy house, caring friends, an upcoming trip to France, etc. My life doesn't suck. So why then are there some days when I think it does?


I think someone could spend their entire life focusing on negative things and completely miss out on everything wonderful and good. That makes me sad, and at the same time motivates me to keep all those good things in the front of my brain.

So my challenge for everyone out there: Post a comment and list a couple of things that make your life wonderful and that make you happy. Keep these in your head for the rest of the week and I think I can almost guarantee a reduction in stress!

Thanks to everyone for being wonderful things in my life.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Post Blues

Okay. I think I have sufficiently recovered from my bout of the blues. I did not have to work this weekend, so that improved my mood just on its own. This is how my Saturday went: Up at 9:30am. Had breakfast and read my book. Showered at 11am. Played a computer game. Lunch at 1pm and read my book. Baked cookies at 4pm. Made pizza for dinner at 5pm. Had pizza and beer and watched the hockey game with my boy. Went to bed. So, after much relaxing I think I have gotten over the blues...mostly. I'm still slightly stressed about my deadlines at work, but I have roped someone else into helping me out, so that should alleviate the pressure a bit. Also, I'm looking forward to a delicious long weekend when I get to spend 3 whole days with my hubby. Yea for Family Day!

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Blues

Reading Nathan's post this morning put me in mind of the blues. Unfortunately for me, this consists of me feeling down and out. The lack of sun here in Calgary is really starting to get to me. The deadlines at work piling up are really starting to get to me. The looming need to work overtime on Saturday is really starting to get to me. The lack of nice warm tops for work is really starting to get to me. The lack of sleep is really starting to get to me.

All in all, the world is getting me down. I feel incredibly weighted this morning, like there's somebody pushing down on me from above, trying to drive me into the ground.

To attempt to cheer myself up, or at least recharge, I will work extra hard today so (hopefully) I won't have to work on Saturday. I will go to the university after work and either swim laps or go to the gym before home time. Then, if I don't have to work on Saturday I might just say 'screw the chiropractor', sleep in and spend the day doing nothing. Like reading my book. Or watching some episodes of Frasier. I will take great joy in the nothingness of one whole Saturday. Maybe I'll bake some cookies and eat some dough as I do it. In short, I need some me time. I am completely sick of the world right now and it's efforts to drive me under. I will resist as best I can, armed with a good book, a fluffy duvet, flannel pyjamas and lots of napping.