Friday, January 05, 2007

Calling all Opinions!

I am searching for opinions everyone! Not about just anything though...

The bookstore is looking to purchase/upgrade the publishing program that it currently uses to make the newsletter. As I have volunteered to take over the making of said newsletter, I was wondering what opinions people had about desktop publishing programs. The current one is Microsoft Publisher (not sure which version). David wanted to know if I wanted something else or just the newest Publisher. Any ideas anyone? This is kind of critical, since a new newsletter is supposed to be out well before Teachers Convention and if I have to make new templates, it could take me a while. Let me know if you have any thoughts, or if you know of any dirt (good or bad) about any of the publishing programs out there.

1 comment:

Queen of Swords said...

Publisher: user friendly, can produce decent documents once you find your way around its quirks.

InDesign: Much more powerful, but uses publisher's grammar (nothing is measured in inches or centimetres!), and has it's own quirks, which I'm still trying to figure out.

Quark Xpress: Used by newspapers. As powerful, if not more, than InDesign, but probably more than you need for a small store newsletter.

In the end, I'd probably stick with the next version of Publisher, or upgrade to InDesign.