Friday, February 09, 2007

The Blues

Reading Nathan's post this morning put me in mind of the blues. Unfortunately for me, this consists of me feeling down and out. The lack of sun here in Calgary is really starting to get to me. The deadlines at work piling up are really starting to get to me. The looming need to work overtime on Saturday is really starting to get to me. The lack of nice warm tops for work is really starting to get to me. The lack of sleep is really starting to get to me.

All in all, the world is getting me down. I feel incredibly weighted this morning, like there's somebody pushing down on me from above, trying to drive me into the ground.

To attempt to cheer myself up, or at least recharge, I will work extra hard today so (hopefully) I won't have to work on Saturday. I will go to the university after work and either swim laps or go to the gym before home time. Then, if I don't have to work on Saturday I might just say 'screw the chiropractor', sleep in and spend the day doing nothing. Like reading my book. Or watching some episodes of Frasier. I will take great joy in the nothingness of one whole Saturday. Maybe I'll bake some cookies and eat some dough as I do it. In short, I need some me time. I am completely sick of the world right now and it's efforts to drive me under. I will resist as best I can, armed with a good book, a fluffy duvet, flannel pyjamas and lots of napping.


Nathan said...

Poor darling. Remind me to make you something special for breakfast on Sunday. After a good sleep in of course =D

Apartment Girl said...

Awww, I hear ya. I plan to spend most of the weekend in my flannel PJs too... this weather is evil, hey?