Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Great City

So I have recently re-discovered one of the things that makes Calgary a great city to live and work in.
I was walking downtown last week, last Thursday to be exact. Thursday was our big spring snow dump of about a 1/2m. I was walking through the +15s back from a meeting which is something I rarely do. It just takes far too long and I'm sure you walk twice as far. Anyway, I saw dozens of professionals wearing their dress pants, dress shoes, ties, and... Flames jerseys. Thursday was our second game of the playoffs. Now, not having worked in a downtown anywhere else, I can't really compare, but I think this is pretty cool. That professionals can wear a sports jersey to work and no one would say two peeps about "dress code". I think that's awesome. It also makes me feel like Calgary is more a community rather than a city of more than a million. It just seems a small town thing to me, supporting your team. Maybe that's just me. But anyway, yay for all the oil companies down here for letting their employees show their team spirit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At my school many staff members, including the vice principal, wear their Flames jerseys with pride!