Wednesday, May 30, 2007

People are weird

So the strangest thing happened on Sunday night. Mom and Dad were over for supper and cards and we were a hand or two into our game of canasta, when all of a sudden Dad says "What's that guy doing?".

There was some random guy standing on our lawn, examining our tree (which is completely covered in lovely pink flowers). Then he reached up and took the tag off the branch, which I had specifically left on, because I knew I wouldn't remember what kind of tree it was. Then he walked away, our tree tag in hand.

Dad was all for jumping out the door and calling him on it, but I wasn't overly offended, just perplexed. Our curtains were wide open and I'm sure he could see us all sitting there and he still proceeded to steal our tree tag.

Speculations abound. Did he like the tree so much he wanted one and so, needed to know what kind it was? Does he have one and have no idea what it is? Was he just trolling the neighbourhood for tree tags? There are lots of our kind of tree on our street, but I guess we were the only ones to leave the tag on. You'd think that alone would have given him cause to pause before stealing our tag. If we're the only ones with the tag on the tree, surely it must be there for a reason.

People are very strange. Anyway, I remember the kind of tree: Makamik flowering Crabapple.

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