Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Random thoughts and Bean updates

Do tennis players die a slow, horrible death when they see a dog playing with, chewing on or destroying a tennis ball? Would Belal's efficient shredding and shaving of tennis balls horrify them? Do their own dogs have different balls to play with? And how can they just stand there when said balls are hurtling at them at more than 200 km/hour?

Can you tell I've been watching tennis lately? =D

So Bean is now 3/4 cooked! It's jumping and wiggling quite a bit now. Or maybe I can just feel it more since there's less space in there the bigger Bean gets....

I've got 2.5 more weeks of work left before I start mat leave and let me tell you, they can't pass fast enough! I'm endeavouring to keep my stress level low, but the nature of the job kind of sabotages that effort. I can make it through a week of work still, but I'm usually a weepy, exhausted mess by Friday. I do okay on the weekends since I can go at my own pace and nap/rest when I need to, but the work week is a killer. But soon. Soon.

I had my follow up appointment with the homeopath at the beginning of the month and everything is tickity boo. I was coming down with a cold again and whatever it was that she gave me spared me the worst of it I think. If it was the same cold that so many others got and are STILL dealing with, then I definitely got off lightly. But my sciatic nerve problems are all gone, I'm doing okay with the weepy (not perfect of course, but definitely better), I can sleep pretty decently, and I'm not nearly so worried about everything in the world.

Ghost and I are almost done the 2nd agility class. I've missed a couple since I've been too tired to run around after her, but it has still been quite enjoyable. She's still not so sure about the teeter totter, but she's starting to get the weave poles and the dog walk (bridge thingy) is not a problem for her. I will definitely be continuing with her in the fall. She loves it so much and I think it's doing her a lot of good to learn to be around so many other dogs.

We've painted Bean's room and purchased the furniture for it. We got the changing station home, but had to special order the dresser and the conversion kits for the crib. The crib itself we got a raincheck for since it was already on order, but as far as I know it hasn't arrived yet. At least, they haven't called us to pick it up... The room looks really good. We still have to hang things on the wall and get a new curtain, but I already really like the way it looks. I will post pictures once we get it all set up and decorated.

I washed the clothes that we have already acquired for Bean this weekend. It was so exciting to see little clothes mixed in with ours! I'm starting to get to the point where I just can't wait to meet Bean, cuddle it, hold it, take it places. Mentally, I know it's better if it stays where it is for a while longer, but emotionally I WANT IT NOW!!! But the summer is shaping up to be pretty busy, so the rest of the time should pass quickly. I hope.

For the moment though, I will focus all my energies on finishing everything I need to finish at work before the 10th, getting enough rest to make it through those 2.5 weeks of work, and still find time/energy to do things I want to do like decorate Bean's room, walk Ghost and putter about in my garden. Tall order, I know, but a person's got to have goals right?

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