Monday, September 17, 2007

I thought the first anniversary was supposed to be paper...

So as most of you know, Nathan and I like to be different. And as such we also end up having a lot of friends who like to be different. So I really shouldn't be surprised that Heather and Brad gave us the gift of seeing their daughter born on our anniversary. No silly paper thing for us! No, we get a baby! =D

Erin Bridget has a mop of curly dark hair. Her eyes are blue right now, but that could change I guess. I got to hold her when she was all of 20 minutes old. She's a beautiful baby. Just gorgeous. I couldn't be happier for Heather and Brad.

The labour was a bit of a whirlwind. I won't go into all the details, but I'm sure you'll all hear the story at some point from someone. I'll admit though, when I got home I was exhausted and still somewhat twitchy from all the adrenaline. And I didn't do hardly any work at all, comparatively speaking! I had a glass of port and went to bed and promptly did not sleep hardly at all. I still went to work today, but I slept in and came in late. I still feel a bit twitchy today, but that's probably because my mind is not here at my desk. It seems strange to me that the world should not stop what it's doing and acknowledge the fact that this amazing thing happened yesterday. I guess that will wear off with time, but right now it seems absolutely incredible that my friends have made this perfect little person and she will be in all our lives from now on. It seems much too momentous to me and far more important than work.

And as I'm sure some of you are wondering, after having witnessed Heather's labour and Erin's birth, I haven't been thrown one way or the other on the topic of having kids. I don't want one RIGHT NOW, but I'm not vehemently against it either. I have to say that watching Heather go through it and come out the other side her normal self (within minutes really) is reassuring. Just listening to her descriptions I'm pretty sure I could do pregnancy and labour without wimping out, but I have to say it's the mess that gets me. I'm such a neat and tidy person, I can't imagine making that much of a mess and not cleaning it up myself. I mean it would be MY mess! It's probably silly and I'm sure it's the last thing on any woman's mind after they've given birth, but it makes me anxious. I guess I'll have to attempt to be as tidy as possible whenever that time happens to come. =D If that's at all possible....

Anyway, Happy Birthday Erin! Auntie Sheila will see you on Saturday.

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