Friday, October 06, 2006

Why do they make people work on Friday afternoon?

It's even worse on the Friday of a long weekend, but I always seem to have trouble concentrating long enough to accomplish something on a Friday afternoon. At least today the bosses are away, so most of us are being a little bit slack.

Mark and Kevin are assembling Sherry's new desk. They decided that opening all the boxes first was best. I left when they figured out that each box was a separate piece of furniture and they were trying to sort out which pieces came from which box. Poor Sherry....

Jari sent me a fun game, 'cause he doesn't feel like working either. But from where I'm sitting it looks like work on his screen. Maybe he has more motivation than me? Anyway, here's the game if you want to try it. It insults you when you do badly.

Luckily today was the day Gillian posted all her fun links on her blog. Thanks Gillian! We all enjoyed the bunny movies!

Hmmm.... now it's 1:30. Time for work... maybe.

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