Thursday, June 21, 2007

Yard work

So our yard looks a bit like a war zone at the moment. We're working on it, but the rain and other obligations are cutting into my carefully crafted schedule. We are supposed to be done levelling by Saturday. We still have to dig up the gravel where the trees will be and then refill that and the weeping tile trench with soil. And then we have to level. Yup, that's right, we haven't started. So I have mentally modified the schedule. So long as we're ready to lay paving stones when Nathan's parents come and stay with us, I'll be happy. Rowena loves to lay pavers, so she's offered to do some while they're here. My ultimate goal is to have all the hardscaping done by the end of July. Then in August we can relax and enjoy the summer!

In other house related news, I finally hemmed the downstairs curtains this past Sunday. It only took me two years.... I've also bought a programmable thermostat that I'm going to replace the standard one with. This will be my first foray into anything electrical. Wish me luck! Don't worry, I'll turn off the breaker. I have no illusions about my clutziness.

1 comment:

Queen of Swords said...

Hey! You have a Picasa album! Post pictures! :D I have pictures of the garage project up... ;)